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詹姆斯·威靈:變形記 / James Welling: Metamorphosis

James Welling, 4776, 2015 © James Welling Courtesy the artist and David Zwirner

卓納畫廊將於香港空間欣然呈現美國攝影藝術家詹姆斯·威靈(James Welling,b. 1951)的個展《變形記》,這也是藝術家在大中華地區的首次個展。展覽縱觀威靈自1980年代以來的創作生涯,突出他的攝影在抽象和具態之間的持久張力,以及他對色彩數十年來的深入探索。整體來看,他的創作項目如同一則動態的檔案,重新思考著攝影媒介的歷史和攝影技術的可能。

是次展覽涵蓋了藝術家多個系列的攝影作品,包括《鋁箔》(Aluminum Foil,1980-1981);《花》(Flowers,2004-2017);《玻璃屋》(Glass House,2006-2010); 《化學製劑》(Chemical,2010-);《編舞》(Choreograph,2014-2020);《身體》(Bodies,2018-)以及《集句詩》(Centos,2019-)。

David Zwirner is pleased to present work by American photographer James Welling (b. 1951), on view across two floors of the gallery’s Hong Kong location—the first solo presentation of the artist’s work in greater China. The exhibition will provide an overview of Welling’s career, spanning from the 1980s to the present, and will highlight the persistent tension in his photographs between abstraction and figuration, as well as his decades-long investigation of color phenomena. Viewed together, his body of work acts as a dynamic archive that reconsiders the history and technical capacity of the photographic medium.

On view in the exhibition will be photographs from Welling's series Aluminum Foil (1980–1981), Flowers (2004–2017), Glass House (2006–2010), Chemical (2010–), Choreograph (2014–2020), Bodies(2018–), and Cento (2019–).


James Welling: Metamorphosis


David Zwirner


Exhibition Date: 01.04 - 08.05.2021


Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00 (Tuesday- Saturday)

地址: 中環皇后大道中80號H Queen's 5, 6樓

Address: 5/F & 6/F, H Queen's, 80 Queen's Road, Central

(852) 2119 5900

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