Artists: Mit Jai Inn 彌載映
Rossi & Rossi is delighted to present Royal Marketplace by celebrated Thai artist Mit Jai Inn (b. 1960, Chiang Mai). The exhibition takes its name from a Facebook group that was blocked by authorities within Thailand for its open discussion of the monarchy and features a selection of recent works by the artist that blur the distinction between painting and sculpture. Through his use of medium, colour and display, Mit challenges the conventional boundaries of art and in doing so, honours resistance against unchecked power.
皇家市集 Royal Marketplace
Exhibition Date: 05.12.2020-23.01.2021
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 18:00 (Tuesday- Saturday)
地址: 黃竹坑業發街6號益年工業大廈3C
Address: 3C Yally Industrial Building, 6 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang
(852) 3575 9417