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Green Wave 綠潮2022

言本當代AM SPACE自2013年開始一直致力推介當代年輕藝術家。《Green Wave 綠潮》系列是由上一年開始,每年邀請年輕藝術家來參展,鼓勵與支持他們畢業後繼續創作。

每一年藝術系的畢業展都是讓人引領期望的,從五月開始陸續展開的畢業展帶出了新一代畢業生的藝術風景,就像剛冒出的新芽,在微風吹拂下一波波嶄露頭角。今年我們邀請了四位香港年輕藝術家,蘇俊謙、鄭穎童、梁寶瀛、黃曉程以群展的形式展出畢業展後的新作。一個個躍躍欲試的語境和空間,以自身和環境的角力和融合為基礎,企圖以繪畫介入和創造現實,以自己的語言塑造出一個豐富的世界。 綠潮 2022


展覽期:2022年11月19日- 2022年12月17日(星期二至星期六,10am–7 pm)

地址:香港上環永樂街 172-176 號永富商業大廈 602 室

開幕式:2022年11月19日,下午3點-5點 關於藝術家 蘇俊謙

蘇俊謙2000年出生於香港,於2022年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系。他專注於展示各種關係和模棱兩可的狀態。知道一個人的情緒和精神狀態不一定能用語言表達。Matthew 用他的經驗和色彩語言來說明多樣而複雜的情緒和狀態。他關心與人和事的關係。 鄭穎童

鄭穎童善於理解、聆聽和觀察,例如留意日常周遭的事物、家人朋友的狀態及言行、社會議題等。她的作品中帶有幽默和戲劇的元素,藉創作來回應和稀釋痛苦,並以愛連結彼此。 梁寶瀛 梁寶瀛於二零一八年至二零二零年獲澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學及香港藝術學院合辨之藝術文學士學位。梁寶瀛的作品藉著繪畫嘗試研究她在生活及想像中的一些奇怪生物及怪獸。同時在她的作品中包括了繪畫、拼貼及木板。 黃曉程 黃曉程的創作始於直覺,作品專注氛圍,情感與空間的創造,尤其喜歡在作品中表現「夜」的感覺。望觀者能與作品的情感產生連繫。她在夜和燈中看到很多微妙,含糊,不知名的情感。對她而言,這些不知名的情感難以說清。「我沒辦法告訴人當我凝望夜,凝望燈時的思緒,感覺。我想用畫來承載這些曖昧不明確的。」 a.m. space has made huge efforts in promoting contemporary young artists since 2013. The series《Green Wave》, which has been launched since last year, invites potential young artists to exhibit their work at our space annually, as an encouragement and support to their creative journey.

The annual graduation shows have always heightened our expectations. Starting from May, the openings of these shows depict the artistic scenery of our new generation, as if the emerging talents are new buds arising wave by wave in the mellow breeze. This year, we have invited four young Hong Kong artists, Matthew So, Esther Cheng, Agnes Leung, and Bonny Wong for a group exhibition to showcase their new artworks after graduation. Founded on the grapple and fusion between oneself and the environment, different intriguing contexts and spaces attempt to interfere reality as well as create it through painting, where a vibrant world is portrayed in one’s own language. Green Wave 2022

Artists: Esther Cheng Wing Tung, Agnes Leung Po Ying, Matthew So Chun Him, Bonny Wong Hiu Ching

Exhibition Dates: November 19 – December 17, 2022 (Tue-Sat, 10am – 7pm)

Location: 602, Winfull Commercial Building, 172 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan

Opening: Saturday, November 19, 3 – 5 pm About the Artists Matthew So Chun Him

Matthew So Chun Him was born in Hong Kong in 2000. He graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Fine Arts in 2022. He focuses on showing the various relationships and ambiguous states. Matthew uses his experience, colours and aesthetic language to illustrate diverse and complex emotions and states. He cares about relationships with people and things. Esther Cheng Wing Tung

Cheng Wing Tung is good at understanding, listening, and observing daily surroundings, the state, words and behavior of family and friends, and social issues. Through humorous and dramatic elements of Cheng’s work, she responds to and dilutes pain, connecting with people with love. Agnes Leung Po Ying

Leung Po Ying Agnes received her Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) degree by RMIT University and Hong Kong Art School in 2018-2020.Her painting is about monsters and creatures study which by her imagination and living experience. Her painting works include drawings, collage, and paint on wood. Bonny Wong Hiu Ching

Wong Hiu Ching, Bonny is an intuitive painter, focus on ambiance, emotion, and space. Especially like emphasis the feeling of night-time. She depicts subtle and equivocal emotions and thoughts in night-time and light.

“It is hard for me to clarify all these ineffable and ephemeral feelings in word, painting is the way for me to capture all these vagueness and ambiguity.


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