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《象嶼 HK—陳普個展》The All-Embracing Island HK – CHEN Pu Solo Exhibition

《象嶼 HK—陳普個展》

奕思畫廊A Concept Gallery即將推出《象 嶼 HK—陳普個展》,展期為9月9日至10月6日。這次展覽為陳普於香港的首次個展,屆時將展出30件未曝光新作及備受關注的NFT(Non-Fungible Token)作品,並於9月10日下午三時開幕,歡迎觀眾蒞臨藝術家所營造的數位生態系。

展覽以「象 嶼」作為命題,有著「萬象之宇」之意,用群島的概念來描繪香港這座由東西文化交織而成的特殊性,打開人們對香港的想像。在這次的藝術實驗中,陳普使用生成藝術(Generative art),將中文文字的符號意念與生物的型態結構重新融合、組成,衍生成新的生命體。多樣的物種聚集在畫廊空間,也聚集在虛擬空間,微微地發著螢光,傳達當代世界,每個人似乎能擁有宇宙間一切的景象,卻又像是一座又一座漂浮的島嶼,彼此依附共生。


作品結合手繪、2D、3D動態視覺、AR、NFT,創造出有機形狀的符號以及生物樣態。曾受邀展出於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹市立美術館(Stedelijk Museum)並舉辦藝術工作坊,也於肯亞、巴黎文化中心、漢堡國際兒童影展、廣州方所書店、台東設計中心、誠品畫廊、西班牙、高雄、基隆、台北等地展出,與尊彩藝術中心合作展出於「藝術未來博覽會」、「台南藝術博覽會」及「府城神農街藝術展」,屢獲好評。2010年以〈螢光綠色城市〉獲得荷蘭「:output」國際大賞,曾獲台北文創天空創意節首獎、台北設計獎市長獎。

《象嶼 HK—陳普個展》

The All-Embracing Island HK – CHEN Pu Solo Exhibition

展覽期間|2022.09.09 Fri. - 2022.10.06 Thu.

開幕活動|2022.09.10 Sat. 15:00



聯絡電話|+852 2892-1998

媒體聯絡人|Judy Chan ( +886-936-304-360

The All-Embracing Island HK – CHEN Pu Solo Exhibition

A Concept Gallery

From September 9th to October 6th 2022, A Concept Gallery will present CHEN Pu’s (b. 1986) solo exhibition “The All-Embracing Island HK.” It is CHEN Pu's first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, presenting 30 brand new works and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) works. The opening will take place at 3pm on September 10th. Welcome to the new digital ecosystem created by CHEN Pu.

“The All-Embracing Island”is the universe of all phenomena, and also the island of Hong Kong, which is intertwined with the cultural and financial systems of East and West. In the artistic experiment, CHEN Pu uses generative art to reintegrate and compose the symbolic ideas of words and the morphological structure of organisms. The gallery and virtual space will become a world of diverse glowing species. To convey the modern world, everyone seems to have their own vision of the universe; each individual is their own comprehensive island.

Artist Biography

CHEN Pu’s works consist of hand drawings, two-dimension, three-dimension dynamic visual art, AR, and NFT, creating signs with organic shapes and diverse organisms.

CHEN was invited to exhibit and hold a workshop at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. His works have been presented in Kenya, Centre Culturel de Taiwan à Paris, Mo&Friese Kinder Film Festival Hamburg, Fang Suo Commune in Guangzhou, Taitung Design Centre, Eslite Gallery, Spain, Kaohsiung, Keelung, and Taipei. In cooperation with Liang Gallery, CHEN exhibited at Art Future, Art Tainan, and Fucheng Shennong Street Art Exhibition. He had won the Netherlands :output International Award with “Fluorescent Green City” in 2010, Japan G Mark symbol, the Mayor Award of Taipei Design Award, Grand Award of Design for Asia Award, and Gold Award of HKDA—Global Design Award.

The All-Embracing Island HK – CHEN Pu Solo Exhibition

A Concept Gallery

Artist:CHEN Pu

Date : 2022.09.09 Fri. - 2022.10.06 Thu. Tuesday to Saturday 10:00-19:00

Opening:2022.09.10 Sat. 15:00

Address:Room 602, 6/F, Winfull Commercial Building, 172-176 Wing Lok St, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong(

TEL:+852 2892-1998

Media contact:Judy Chan ( +886-936-304-360


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