軒尼詩位於夏朗德 (Charente) 地區的中心地帶,具有豐富專業的知識。酒廠的成功和屹立源於其干邑卓越的品質,每一款干邑都源自於世代相傳的獨特釀酒過程。超過 250 年歷史閃耀全球的干邑品牌—軒尼詩酒廠憑藉的卓越釀製方法,業務擴及超過160 多個國家。
軒尼詩李察干邑將於 3 月以全新面貌推出,由 Daniel Libeskind 全新特別設計之酒瓶為載體,配上酒盒及配飾,向品牌創始人李察·軒尼詩(Richard Hennessy)致敬。此次推出只限私人客戶訂購的典藏及產品—軒尼詩李察干邑,具有獨特的複雜層次和無與倫比的多樣香氣。 歷經時間洗禮陳釀,採用彌足珍貴的生命之水以帶出其芳 香,與突出非凡的年輕生命之水相混合,創造出這款出色 而濃郁的干邑。 充滿驚喜的口感,散發出強烈的辛辣味道以及皮革和蜜餞 水果的芳香。軒尼詩李察干邑只限私人客戶訂購,不作公開發售。
關於 Daniel Libeskind
此次這款向軒尼詩李察致敬的典藏干邑,由享譽國際的建築師和城市設計師 Daniel Libeskind 所設計,這款獨家酒瓶標誌從音樂、哲學、文學和詩歌等藝術中汲取靈感,以建築作為底蘊,透過精美幾何圖形設計喚起文化記憶,此為他與軒尼詩酒莊的首次合作。
誰是Daniel Libeskind?眾所周知的柏林猶太博物館(德國)出自於Daniel Libeskind之手,近年他更贏得了一項歷史性的 競賽——為曼哈頓下城的世界貿易中心重建項目的總體規劃建築師;他在國際 上享有盛譽的其他項目尚包括皇家安大略博物館(加 拿大多倫多)、香港城市大學邵逸夫創意媒體中心和世界貿易中心一號大樓和張之洞與武漢博物館(中國武漢)。1946 年在波蘭羅茲(Lódz)出生的Daniel Libeskind,少年時移民到美國,隨他的家人在紐約布朗克斯區定居。他在決定轉而學習建築之前,曾獲得美國-以色列文化基金會獎學金,並作為音樂演奏家表演,作為 Studio Libeskind 的首席設計建築師,他在大學和專業峰會上廣泛談論建築藝術。
[Art News - Hong Kong Macau]
Daniel Libeskind, architect of the Berlin Jewish Museum (Germany), designed a special bottle of Hennessy in tribute to Richard Hennessy, the founder of the brand.
Hennessy is located in the heart of the Charente region and has a wealth of expertise. The success and standing of the House is due to the exceptional quality of its cognacs, each of which is the result of a unique winemaking process that has been passed down from generation to generation. With more than 250 years of history, Hennessy has expanded its presence in more than 160 countries thanks to the excellence of its winemaking methods.
The Hennessy Richard Cognac will be launched in March in a new look, featuring a new specially designed bottle by Daniel Libeskind, complete with box and accessories, in tribute to the brand's founder, Richard Hennessy. The collection and product, Hennessy Richard Cognac, is available to private customers only, with a unique complexity and unparalleled aromatic diversity. Aged over time, the precious Water of Life is used to bring out its aromas and blended with the exceptional Young Life Water to create this outstanding and full-bodied cognac. It is full of surprises on the palate, with intense spicy notes and aromas of leather and candied fruit. Hennessy Richard Cognac is available to private customers only and is not available for public sale.
About Daniel Libeskind
This exclusive bottle logo draws inspiration from the arts of music, philosophy, literature and poetry, using architecture as a backdrop and evoking cultural memory through a beautiful geometric design.
Daniel Libeskind is the architect of the well-known Berlin Jewish Museum (Germany), and in recent years he has won a historic competition to be master planner for the redevelopment of the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. Born in Lódz, Poland, in 1946, Daniel Libeskind immigrated to the United States as a teenager and settled with his family in the Bronx, New York. He received a scholarship from the American-Israeli Cultural Foundation and performed as a musician before deciding to turn to architecture, and he has spoken extensively about the art of architecture at universities and professional summits as Studio Libeskind's principal design architect.
(information provided by client)