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藝術家駐場計劃:張施烈 Artist in Residence: Szelit Cheung

在五月至八月期間,藝術家張施烈將進駐黃竹坑 Rossi & Rossi,以畫廊內裏的建築、光綫、及形態為靈感,延伸出一系列的創作。在展示藝術品的功能以外,張施烈也會探討畫廊能如何作為一個空間,容納各種想像中的理想形態。


Rossi & Rossi is excited to have artist Szelit Cheung take over our Wong Chuk Hang gallery space from mid-May to August as part of his latest experiment with architecture, light and form. He will be creating a series of works as a response to the gallery space not only as a place to present art but also as a container of possibilities for idealised space.

Szelit Cheung is a Hong Kong-based artist, engages in a cross-disciplinary practice including painting, drawings and photography. His current practice resembles the essence of void, explores the connection between presence and emptiness by utilising simple forms, light and colours as a means to echo and amplify the intangible yet powerful feelings and expressions.


Artist in Residence: Szelit Cheung


Name of Artist:Szelit Cheung

Rossi & Rossi


Exhibition Date: 08.05 - 31.07.2021


Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00 (Tuesday- Saturday)

地址: 香港香港仔業發街6號益年工業大廈3C室

Address: 3C Yally Industrial Building, 6 Yip Fat Street, Aberdeen

(852) 3575 9417


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