
樂團與崑曲王子張軍合作「牡丹亭.長生殿」,佳評如潮,首演後更獲邀於2019上海「香港週 」演出,觀眾反響熱烈。音樂會成功將崑曲與大型中樂合奏結合,以音樂的抽象引發更多對文字之外的遐想。創作團隊手握這把進入神秘傳統的鑰匙,再次探索兩者的審美向度,全新創作崑曲與中樂的跨界交響《月滿長生殿》。
15-16/9/2023 (五、六) 晚上 7:30
指揮: #閻惠昌
導演: #李小平
音樂: #金復載
編劇: #施如芳
唐明皇: #張軍
李龜年: #關棟天
楊貴妃: #單雯
高力士: #李鴻良
聯合演出: #江蘇省演藝集團崑劇院
特別鳴謝: #上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲學校
門票於 #城市售票網 發售
Taking inspiration from the tragic love story of Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty and his beloved consort, Lady Yang, this production explores the interactive dynamic between music and drama, as well as between actors and the orchestra. The HKCO is bringing together artists from Shanghai, Taiwan and Hong Kong to step into the opulent ambiance of the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty.
This is yet another reprisal of the collaboration between the HKCO and Zhang Jun, the “Prince of Kunqu”, after the critically acclaimed debut of The Palace of Eternal Life in 2018. The amalgamation of Kunqu opera and Chinese orchestral music is the key to high drama and romance, in this new, reimagined theatrical production titled The Palace of Eternal Life on a Moonlit Night.
Broad General Holding Limited Proudly Supports
47th Orchestral Season Opening Concert
The Palace of Eternal Life on a Moonlit Night
15-16/9/2023 (Fri, Sat) 7:30pm
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grandacknowledgment Theatre
Conductor: Yan Huichang
Director: Lee Xiao-Pin
Music: Jin Fuzai
Playwright: Shih Ju-fang
Emperor Ming of Tang Dynasty: Zhang Jun
Li Guinian: Guan Dongtian
Lady Yang, the Imperial Concubine: Shan Wen
Gao Lishi: Li Hongliang
Joint performance: Jiangsu Province Performing Arts Group Kunju Theatre
Special acknowledgement: Shanghai Traditional Opera School Affiliated to Shanghai Theatre Academy
Programme: https://bit.ly/3DDvqWp
Purchase: https://bit.ly/3rMJn1u
Tickets are available at #UBRTIX now!