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《竹穹光影 X 吾港 • 氣氛》聯展 Cathédrales de Bambous & HK Vibes - a Joint Exhibition

這次聯合展覽展示出三位法國藝術家: 包括陶藝家 Christine Blom,詩人 Matthieu Mott (筆名 Sven Larsonn) 和攝影師 Cyrille Bellier 的視野和對香港的敬意。


法國哲學老師Matthieu對詩詞和文學充滿熱情。自2015年以來,他一直通過 “Sauvéspour le Bac”和 “Sauvéspour la Philo” 在香港教授課程,並創辦了雜誌“Sauvéspar le Kong”和文化平台。

對攝影充滿熱情的Cyrille曾於非洲,歐洲,亞洲和大洋洲的許多地方生活過。 生活在一個地方和遊歷一個地方大不相同。生活帶來體驗的機會,讓他有時間觀察,發現和感受一個地方的地和人,動態和光。

日期|2021年4月1日 - 5月8日

時間|星期一至六 上午九時至下午七時 (星期日及公眾假期休息)

地點|KC100 藝術空間 葵涌葵昌路 100 號 (葵興站E出口)


This joint exhibition proposes visions and a tribute to Hong Kong by three French artists: ceramist Christine Blom, poet Matthieu Motte (a.k.a. Sven Larsonn) and photographer Cyrille Bellier.

Christine likes mixing the techniques of Ceramic and Sculpture, creating tall figures with textures, colors and disproportionate effects. Since November 2016, she has started teaching sculpture techniques at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre ceramics studio.

Matthieu, French philosophy teacher, is passionate about poetry and literature. He has been giving private lessons in Hong Kong since 2015 via "Sauvés pour le Bac" and "Sauvés pour la Philo". He also created the magazine "Sauvés par le Kong" and the cultural platform:

Cyrille has been passionate about photography and had lived in many places, in Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Living in a place is not passing through. It is the opportunity to take the time to observe, discover, and feel the places, the people, the movements, and the light.

Date | 2021.4.1 - 5.8

Time | Mon – Sat 9am – 7pm (Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays)

Venue | KC100 Art Space, 100 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung (Kwai Hing MTR Station Exit E)


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