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競賽徵件 | 台灣 | 桃園市立美術館 | 2025桃源國際藝術獎開始徵件




· 陳暢 Abby CHEN|美國舊金山亞洲藝術博物館當代藝術部門首席策展人

· 魯本‧基漢 Reuben KEEHAN|澳洲昆士蘭美術館與現代藝術館亞洲當代藝術策展人

· 金宣廷 Sunjung KIM|韓國首爾善宰藝術中心藝術總監

· 王柏偉 Po-Wei WANG|臺灣數位藝術基金會藝術總監

· 呂佩怡 Pei-Yi LU|臺灣臺北教育大學副教授




目前興建中的桃園市立美術館,以「一機關多場館」的方式發展。除了選址於桃園市中壢區青埔的大美術館(亦即總館)之外,還有2021年10月盛大開館、以現當代書法藝術為題的「橫山書法藝術館」; 即將於2024年4月開幕的青埔「桃園市兒童美術館」,以家庭觀眾為對象、致力推動藝文扎根與美感教育發展。目前桃園市立美術館通過各種藝術計畫為未來的營運暖身,總館館舍由日本的山本理顯設計工場和臺灣的石昭永建築師事務所聯手規劃,結合周圍自然環境與社區的「山丘」造型,預計於2026年完工,未來將成為臺灣面向國際的重要藝術交流平台。






The open call for submissions to the third “2025 Taoyuan International Art Award”, organized by the Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts (TMoFA), will take place from April 1 to 26, 2024. This Award is for new works presented publicly for the first time and which have never entered government-organized competitions in Taiwan. Artists may participate as an individual or a group regardless of nationality or age. For this edition, the Grand Prize winner receives NT$600,000, and three Honorable Mention winners each receives NT$200,000. In addition, a Sojourn Award of NT$350,000 will be offered to a Taiwanese artist for a tour abroad to inspire creations and cultivate artistic talents. For the full prospectus, please visit the official website of Taoyuan International Art Award at


This year's international jury is convened by Lijuan WANG, Acting Director of TMoFA, and the preliminary review will be conducted by:

· Abby CHEN, Head of Contemporary Art Department at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

· Reuben KEEHAN, Curator, Contemporary Asian Art at Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art

· Sunjung KIM, Artistic Director of Art Sonje Center, Seoul, South Korea

· Po-Wei WANG, Artistic Director of Digital Art Foundation, Taiwan

· Pei-Yi LU, Associate Professor at National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan


About Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts (TMoFA)

Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts operates as a museum group that features multiple venues. In addition to the main venue of TMoFA currently under construction in Qingpu, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, there is also the Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center, which was inaugurated in October 2021 with a primary focus on modern and contemporary calligraphy arts. Meanwhile the Taoyuan Children’s Art Center, which will open in April 2024, targets family audiences and aims to promote the development of art and aesthetic education. Currently, TMoFA has been warming up for future operations through various art projects. The main venue, planned jointly by Riken Yamamoto from Japan and Joe Shih Architects & Associates from Taiwan, features a hill-shaped structure that harmonizes with the surrounding landscape and communities. The main venue of TMoFA is expected to be completed in 2026 and to become an important international arts exchange platform.


2025 Taoyuan International Art Award

Open Call for Submissions: April 1-26, 2024

Application Download:

Taoyuan International Art Award:

Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts:


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