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法國五月節聯辦項目: 中國超現實主義 Le French May Associated Project :Chinese Surrealism

The May Flower: Sun Flower

2021 | 122x152cm | Oil on canvas

藝倡畫廊很榮幸參加2021年法國五月藝術節,於藝倡畫廊-香港仔空間舉行 “中國超現實主義” 展覽,以回應今年香港藝術館與巴黎龐比度中心合辦有關法國超現實主義的法國五月藝術節重要展覽。

藝倡的展覽將展出六位藝術家的作品,重點放在香港年輕女藝術家。其中包括水墨畫家卓家慧和張小黎;新銳藝術家蟻穎琳和梅傲雪,後者更是首次在商業畫廊展示其豐富多彩的夢幻紙上作品。另外還有兩位藝術家: 香港著名雕塑家莫一新和國際雕塑家吳少湘。我們特別挑選這些藝術家,是因為他們對超現實主義產生濃厚的興趣,並從中吸取靈感,無論是創作理念和完成品,均呈現出猶如夢境的意象以及對潛意識的探索。他們通過當代中國藝術家的眼光,以各自獨特的技巧和媒介來描繪超現實主義。這六位藝術家展出的作品,分別從以下的西方超現實主義藝術家得到啟發,包括:雷內•馬格利特 (Rene Magritte)、薩爾瓦多•達利 (Salvador Dali)、曼•雷 (Man Ray)、阿爾貝托•賈科梅蒂 (Alberto Giacometti)、喬治•基里科 (Giorgio Chirico),和瓊•米羅 (Joan Miro)。

In participation with Le French May Arts Festival 2021, Alisan Fine Arts is proud to present Chinese Surrealism at Alisan Aberdeen. This exhibition is a response to the French Surrealist exhibition which will take place at the Hong Kong Museum of Art in collaboration with the Pompidou Museum as part of Le French May Arts Festival this year.

Alisan’s exhibition will feature the works of six artists, with a focus on young Hong Kong women artists. They include ink painters Cherie Cheuk Ka-wai and Zhang Xiaoli; emerging artists Ant Ngai Wing-lam and Charlotte Mui, the latter who will be exhibiting her colourful mythological works on paper for the first time in a commercial gallery. The other two artists are well known Hong Kong sculptor Mok Yat-San and international sculptor Wu Shaoxiang. These artists have been selected specifically because they are inspired and interested in Surrealist ideas and imagery such as, dreamscapes and the exploration of the unconscious mind. Using a contemporary Chinese lens, they will portray surrealism with their individual technique and media. The Western surrealist artists they are taking inspiration from include Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali, Man Ray, Alberto Giacometti, Giorgio Chirico and Joan Miro.

法國五月節聯辦項目: 中國超現實主義 Le French May Associated Project :Chinese Surrealism


Name of Artist:Cheuk Ka-wai, Cherie丨Mok Yat-san丨Mui Ngo-suet, Charlotte丨Ngai Wing-lam, Ant丨Wu Shaoxiang丨Zhang Xiaoli


Alisan Fine Arts


Exhibition Date: 15.05 - 03.07.2021


Opening Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (Monday- Saturday)


Address: 21/F Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central

(852) 2526 1091


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