世界令人窒息 我們為何要生
日期|2021年6月18日 - 6月20日
時間|20:00 (6月18日 - 6月19日);15:00 (6月19日 - 6月20日)
The world is suffocating Why do we need to bear a child?
The unpredictable and gloomy future overwhelms every single one of us. Giving birth requires courage, so as surviving.
The act of childbearing seems to be natural and intuitive. The mission of animals is to reproduce the next generation. However, giving birth to a new life becomes a complicated equation that can never find a model answer for human beings. Some give up everything to bear a child, while others utilize their children to earn something one does not possess. There are different answers to this equation, but which solution could persuade us to insist on giving birth in this suffocating world?
Based on the Spanish play Yerma written in 1934, Withered Womb is the collaborative creation of actors and directors-in-resident through Imagination under the annual themed exploration of Chung Ying’s three-year Young Talent Incubator Scheme.
Date | 2021.6.18 - 6.20
Time | 20:00 (6.18 - 6.19) ; 15:00 (6.19 - 6.20)
Venue | Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre (12 Hing Ning Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong)
Ticketing | $200
Detail | http://www.chungying.com/drama/details/144