山水畫乃中國傳統文化,藝術與哲學的重要載體。藝術家通過對自然環境的刻劃與呈現,體現了人內在的精神世界,表達人與自然之間的關係。 香港舞蹈團與中國山水畫邂逅,取墨下自然為素材,以舞蹈藝術搭建一方跨越時空的精神世界。舞者的身體是點、是線、是筆尖的 一抹蒼潤;是韻、是律、是心靈美感的關照。奇幻靈巧,且元氣淋漓;心有萬象,而物我兩忘。 讓我們穿山引水,以肢體重新感知大自然的力量,賞萬物之美態,靜思生命本源。
7:45pm 2021.5.21-22
3:00pm 2021.5.22-23
$480/$380/$280/$180/$80 (夜場)
$440/$340/$240/$140/$80 (日場)
Shanshui (landscape) paintings are an important vehicle for art and philosophy in traditional Chinese culture. Through depicting the external environment, artists give expression to the internal human world, revealing the relationship between man and nature.
In this work, Hong Kong Dance Company draws on the image of nature under the brush, painting an inner world beyond the confines of time or space through dance. The dancers' bodies become the brush's dots, dashes and vigorous strokes; they are the artist's eye for rhyme, rhythm and internal beauty.
Sense the power of nature through the body, take in worldly beauty and meditate on the origins of life. Pass through mountains and over waters, and with a full heart, let the limits of the self and the physical world dissolve.
Date & Time |
7:45pm 2021.5.21-22
3:00pm 2021.5.22-23
Venue | Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Ticketing |
$480/$380/$280/$180/$80 (Evenings)
$440/$340/$240/$140/$80 (Matinees)