2021年標誌着藝倡畫廊40週年慶典。為了祝賀畫廊這個重要的里程碑,我們很高興為兩位譽滿全球的20世紀藝術大師──美國抽象畫家山姆·弗朗西斯(Sam Francis)和海外華裔畫家丁雄泉舉辦雙人展,而丁氏更是自藝倡畫廊成立以來一直與我們合作。今次展覽將通過丁雄泉和弗朗西斯的作品揭示他們二人之間細膩和有趣的友情。
2021 marks the 40th anniversary of Alisan Fine Arts. To celebrate this major milestone, the gallery is excited to present a joint exhibition of two globally renowned 20th century artists, American abstract painter Sam Francis and Chinese diaspora artist Walasse Ting, the latter whom Alisan Fine Arts has been working with since the gallery’s early days. The exhibition will reveal the subtle yet intriguing relationship between Ting and Francis through their works.
Consisting in total of 18 works on paper created between the 1960s to the 1990s by both artists the exhibition highlights the influence of Abstract art upon their residence in New York, where Ting and Francis met during the 1950s and grew to become lifelong friends. Whilst both their works display individual styles, there are subtle similarities that hint at how they have influenced each other. To round off the show, a selection of archival material showcasing the relationship between Ting and Francis will be on display. This exhibition marks the first time Alisan Fine Arts will be exhibiting Francis’ paintings and will be the first in a series of important shows the gallery has planned for its 40th celebration.
Celebrating a Friendship: Walasse Ting & Sam Francis
Alisan Fine Arts
Exhibition Date: 20.01 - 30.04.2021
開放時間:上午十時至下午六時 (逢星期日及公眾假期公休)
Opening Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (Closed: Sunday and Public Holidays)
Address: 21/F Lyndhurst Tower, 1 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong
((852) 2526 1091