藝倡畫廊很高興舉行「去筆」聯展,展出四位國際知名藝術家通過使用各種工具和媒介以革新當代水墨藝術的作品。儘管毛筆和墨是中國傳統水墨畫和美學的支柱,但是這四位具開拓性的藝術家選擇通過使用壓印、攝影、香支和藝術家自己的食指來代替畫筆,從而突破了這種傳統實踐的界限。他們的作品共聚一堂,除了展示藝術家但對傳統的深刻理解和尊重,以及對水墨畫未來發展軌蹟的清晰見解, 還有他們共同重新定義和復興這種歷史悠久的藝術形式。
今次展覽的藝術家包括,美國攝影師 Michael Cherney (秋麥),他的山水攝影以打印在和紙為主; 遊走於多個國際大都會的台灣藝術家李君毅在宣紙上蓋印和拓印來創作半攝影式的寫實圖像,運用的方法有別 於傳統水墨畫的筆墨效果;前衛水墨畫家王天德使用毛畫和水墨繪畫的同時運用香支火灼宣紙,為他的 傳統山水畫和書法增添了獨特而短暫的美感。最後,張羽以食指作為創作的唯一工具,充分探索了自我身份、時間和存在的關係。
同時,藝倡畫廊製作了一系列的藝術家訪問錄像,以配合我們香港仔空間的當前展覽“去筆” ,聚焦於四位國際知名藝術家通過使用各種工具和媒介,包括運用印章和拓印、指印、攝影,和火灼痕跡,以創作突破傳統界限的創新水墨畫,以及其創作背後的靈感。語言:粵語、普通話、英語播放(附中/英文字幕)。全片長約12分鐘。
Alisan Fine Arts is excited to present Brushless, a group exhibition featuring four internationally renowned artists whose practices revolutionize contemporary ink painting with the use of various tools and media. While brush and ink form the backbone of traditional Chinese ink painting and aesthetics, these four pioneering artists have chosen to push the boundaries of this classical practice by replacing the brush with the use of stamping, photography, incense sticks, and the artist’s own index finger. Together, they have collectively redefined and revived the ancient art form with their robust understanding and respect for the tradition, as well as their clear insights into the future trajectory of ink painting.
Artists included in this exhibition are American photographer, Michael Cherney who uses the materiality of photographic images printed on rice paper; cosmopolitan Taiwanese artist Lee Chun-yi whose approach departs from the conventional use of brushes by employing Chinese seals and ink rubbings on paper to form a semi一photographic image; avant-garde ink artist Wang Tiande while uses the brush to paint, his use of incense sticks adds an unique and ephemeral quality to his traditional landscapes and calligraphy and lastly Zhang Vu whose experimental use of his index finger as the sole tool of creation,fully explores the relationship between self - identity, time, and existence.
The continuing contribution from these four innovative artists has helped in expanding the possibilities of ink painting, serving to reveal the profound potential and contemporaneity of ink art. A series of artist video is produced in conjunction with our current group exhibition Brushless at Alisan Aberdeen. This series sheds light on the 4 internationally renowned artists' innovative creations to push the boundaries of the classical practice of ink painting and the inspiration behind their works. Include by employing Chinese seals and ink rubbings, using fingerprints, photography, and burn marks. Language: Cantonese, Putonghua and English (subtitles: Chinese/English). Duration: around 12 minutes.

去筆 | 秋麥, 李君毅, 王天德, 張羽 /
Brushless | Michael Cherney, Lee Chun-yi, Wang Tiande, Zhang Yu /
Alisan Fine Arts
*Video Series Premiere screening event on 6 Feb (SouthSideSaturday) Hourly screening with two guided tour sessions:
11:00am: Guided tour in Chinese
4:00pm: Guided tour in English
Exhibition Date: 05.12.2020 - 27.02.2021
Opening Hours: Open on Saturdays 10am - 6pm only starting 1 February
All other days are by appointment only
地址: 香港香港仔田灣海旁道 7 號興偉中心 2305 室
Address: 2305 Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
(852) 2526 1099 / 2526 1091