Left: Kimiyo Mishima "Work 66-Y", 1966, magazine, oil on canvas, 162.5 x 131 cm © Kimiyo Mishima / Courtesy of Bijutsu Shiryo Center.
Right: Kimiyo Mishima "Box Coca Cola Zero 19", 2019, printed and painted ceramic, 20 x 43 x 39 cm © Kimiyo Mishima / Photo: Kenji Takahashi.
在過去的六十年間,日本當代藝術家三島喜美代一直致力探索我們與物質化的「資訊」之間的關係。本展覽將展出三島於1960至1970年代繪畫的早期畫作,以及她最新的陶瓷作品。 Over the past six decades, Kimiyo Mishima, the prominent Japanese contemporary artist, has persisted in exploring our relationship with ‘information’ in materialized forms. This exhibition will feature her early paintings of the 1960s – 1970s along with her latest ceramic works. For more detail: English: https://www.takaishiigallery.com/en/archives/29386/
三島喜美代 Kimiyo Mishima
SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery
Exhibition Date: 09.02 - 21.03.2021
開放時間:上午十一時至下午七時 請先預約(逢星期一公休)
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00 By appointment only (Closed: Monday)
Address: Shops 4A & 4B, UG/F, Bo Fung Mansion, No.1 St. Francis Yard, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
(852) 3619 0011